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Insights On Rehabilitation Therapies At Hamsa Rehab, Chennai

In the clinic medical office, doctor/physiotherapist examines patient with lower back pain

Before Having Spine Surgery, Consider These Options

Back pain can often be an agonizing experience. There is no doubt about that. For those who believe that every backache may lead to a surgery requiring months of recovery, there's good news. Not all spinal rehabilitation methods rely on surgeries. Top neurosurgeons admit that spinal surgery is only the last resort for spinal rehabilitation after failed non-invasive or minimally invasive procedures. Records indicate that the majority of patients do recover completely with non-invasive procedures.

So what exactly are these non-invasive or non-surgical treatments? How do they work? Are there any other back pain therapies available? Get all your queries answered as our experts at Hamsa Rehab, a top center for spine rehabilitation in Chennai, help you explore 13 medical and alternate treatment options in this article.

Non Invasive Spine Rehabilitation Techniques

It's well known that our backbone is a structure made up of muscles, bones, tendons, and tissues that supports our upper body. The spinal cord and the surrounding fluid are enclosed within it. Injury or damage to the spine can cause shooting pains or burning sensations that can radiate to the legs, made worse while walking, standing, bending, or lifting. Apart from injuries, some of the common causes of back pain include arthritis, obesity, disc problems, and osteoporosis. Chronic pain associated with these conditions can make it difficult to function normally.

According to our physicians, not all of these painful cases require surgery. Here is a brief description of some of the most popular treatments for chronic back pain.

7 Best Medical Treatments for Spine Rehabilitation

    • Stem cell treatment

A popular form of regenerative medicine, stem cells use the body's own healing mechanisms to treat different conditions. The stem cells that are abundant in our bodies are capable of developing into different types of cells, thereby facilitating internal repair.

    • Epidural injections

Steroid injections are administered to the spinal cord's dural sac to alleviate back pain. Fluoroscopy, or live x-rays, guide the injection needles to the right area and reduce inflammation around the compressed nerve root. Although steroid medications do not speed up healing, they can help people stay comfortable during their recovery.

    • Muscle relaxants

These medications serve as depressants for the central nervous system and increase the mobility of tense muscles to relieve pain caused by muscle spasms or tightness. Corticosteroids are administered to reduce damage and inflammations in surrounding nerve cells.

    • Narcotic medication

Painkillers or narcotic medications are commonly prescribed to relieve acute or short-term pain caused by surgery. Medication of this type alters the perception of pain by debilitating the nerve signals to the brain and is rarely used to treat chronic pain. Narcotic medications are addictive and have numerous side effects.

    • Back braces

Back braces are corset-style inelastic braces worn around the backbone to limit movement, promote healing, and reduce pain. We recommend back braces when more physical exertion is experienced, especially after surgery. This can be achieved by keeping the patient's spine and head still using a body harness or brace. These accessories prevent compression and relieve pressure on the injured spine. They are also used to correct spinal deformities. Braces must be worn strictly according to a physician's instructions because long-term immobility may weaken muscles.

    • EMG

EMG (Electromyography) and nerve conduction are non-invasive measures physicians use to determine the condition of muscles or the nervous system. Our physicians commonly recommend these tests when patients experience numbness or weakness in any part of the body.

    • Osteopathic manipulations

These gentle pressure, stretching, and resistance procedures used by trained physicians relieve joint discomfort by increasing blood flow to the area and restoring muscle balance.

  • Physical Therapy

Simple exercises and stretching can strengthen the muscles surrounding the spine and improve its flexibility and stability. Physical therapy involves restoring a patient's posture, gait, and endurance depending on the individual's spinal problems. Our physicians tailor a spine rehabilitation program to achieve each individual's unique goals.

Generally, physical therapy regimens can be divided into passive therapy and active exercise. Passive therapy involves mobilizing muscles to encourage movement and relieve pain. During active exercise sessions, the therapists recommend simple exercises to strengthen your body at home.

Our rehabilitation experts at Hamsa also recommend alternative spine rehabilitation techniques to reduce back pain. Below is a list of 5 effective complementary and alternative spine rehabilitation treatments:

6 Complimentary Care Treatments for Spine Rehabilitation


An ancient Chinese medicine technique, acupuncture involves stimulating various points on the body to correct the body's qi or life force. Needles are inserted into various body points for about an hour during an acupuncture session. It has been found that this treatment has a significant impact on patients suffering from back pain.

Massage therapy

Massage therapy provides excellent relief for muscle spasms that cause lower back pain. Massage therapy helps heal damaged muscles by enhancing blood flow, stimulating nutrient distribution, and improving oxygen supply.

Manual manipulation

Chiropractors use manual manipulation to adjust the spine to reduce stiffness, discomfort, or pain while increasing mobility. To provide relief, practitioners apply hand thrusts at various speeds or forces on the spinal structures.

Mindful meditation

Mindful meditation is an effective tool for managing pain perceptions and reducing depression, sleep problems, and anxiety associated with chronic pain. It entails meditative techniques such as altering focus or deep breathing exercises for pain relief.

Aquatic therapy

Aquatic therapy promotes muscle strength and pain relief by providing a combination of physical resistance and comfort in warm water. Aquatic therapy can show significant results in treating back pain, spine injuries, joint pain, and arthritis.


Suction cups are used to manage blood flow, chronic pains, and recovery time in this treatment method. However, this treatment is still being studied to determine its efficacy.

In addition to the above, there are various less invasive and non-surgical options available. Chiropractic, pilates, yoga, and a host of other spine rehabilitation techniques have shown exemplary results in reducing chronic back pain. Maintaining healthy lifestyle practices and avoiding bad habits, such as smoking, is also important for spine rehabilitation. Several simple activities like those outlined below can also make a big difference.

  • Application of heat and ice on the affected area to relieve pain
  • tanding at desks occasionally rather than sitting all day
  • An occasional massage by a massage therapist
  • Exercises like regular stretching can relieve bouts of pain

Hamsa Rehab- Providing the Best Back Pain Treatments in Chennai

If you are suffering from chronic pain or a debilitating spine condition, it's high time you take the right steps to get rid of it. The first step is to find a qualified physician. Hamsa spine and brain rehab clinic is the leading spine rehabilitation centre in Chennai dedicated to healing patients suffering from brain injury, spinal cord injury, and stroke. We provide occupational therapy, speech therapy, physical therapy, vocational therapy, and other community therapies. Get in touch with us today to explore the treatment options.

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